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Reference : V-F-CR-F-00990-C
Date : 10/2008
Title : Convention sur les armes à sous munitions : il est temps d'agir = The convention on cluster munitions : time to act = Convención sobre municiones de racimo : es hora de actuar
Duration : 00:15:39
Director : BAUMGARTNER, Pascal
Editor : unknown
Person appearing :
HERBY, Peter (chef d'unité)
KELLENBERGER, Jakob (president, ICRC)
CAIRO, Alberto (chef de projet réhabilitation orthopedique)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
REVOL, Didier
Description : Cluster munitions have been a persistent problem for decades. These weapons have killed or injured tens of thousands of civilians in war-affected countries. In May 2008, more than 100 States adopted the Convention on Cluster Munitions, which prohibits the use, development, production, stockpiling and transfer of such munitions. It also requires States Parties to destroy their stockpiles, clear remnants, and assist victims. This film provides an overview of the cluster munitions problem, the main provisions of the Convention and the steps required to meet its commitments.
Original language : English
French title : Convention sur les armes à sous munitions : il est temps d'agir
English title : The convention on cluster munitions : time to act
Spanish title : Convención sobre municiones de racimo : es hora de actuar
Title in other language : Die Konvention gegen Streubomben : es ist Zeit zu handeln !
Colour/B&W : colour
Original material/format : DVCam
Best material/format available : DVCam
