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Reference : V-F-CR-F-01202-A
Date : 09/2013
Country/Region : SWITZERLAND
Title : Journée portes ouvertes du CICR, 1er septembre 2013 = ICRC open day, September 1, 2013
Duration : 00:04:23
Director : POWELL, Janet
Cameraman : MOUCHET, Louis
Editor : SANDERS, Jacky
Person appearing :
HEFFINGER, Mélanie (staff member, ICRC)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
Production reference : AV109A
Description : For the first time in 20 years, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) opened its Geneva HQ offices to the public. See the highlights of the Open Day in this short film, as thousands of people, young and old, came to learn and have fun. They were able to meet delegates, talk to the director-general and see realistic demonstrations of ICRC's work - from first-aid treatment for the wounded, to helping refugees or searching for hidden landmines.
Mélanie Heffinger, in charge of external communication for the 150 years of humanitarian action project, looks back on the success of these open doors.
Original language : French; English
French title : Journée portes ouvertes du CICR, 1er septembre 2013
English title : ICRC open day, September 1, 2013
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : ProRes 422
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
