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Reference : V-F-CR-F-01311-A
Date : 03/2015
Title : Mouvement de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge : partenaires pour l'humanité = Red Cross Red Crescent Movement : partners in humanity = Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja : asociados por la humanidad
Duration : 00:13:44
Director : REVOL, Didier
Cameraman : various
Editor : GRAENISCHER, Laurent
Person appearing :
PEPPIATT, David (directeur de l'international, Croix-Rouge britanique)
GUSSING, Angela (deputy director of operations, ICRC)
DACCORD, Yves (director general, ICRC)
GULLET, Abbas (secrétaire général, Croix-Rouge du Kenya)
SABA, Edgar (secouriste volontaire, Croix-Rouge libanaise)
RUSSELL, Thomas Stanley (délégué coopération, CICR)
JABR, Nabih (assistant directeur, Croix-Rouge libanaise)
SCHMALE, Matthias (under-secretary general, IFRC)
GHADBAN, Umar Al (volontaire CR)
KETTANEH, Georges (secretary general, Lebanese Red Cross)
LOPEZ, Valentina (volontaire CR)
FAILLACE, Silvana (executive national director, Colombian Red Cross)
HEMEDY, Zaina (volontaire CR)
DOLDER, Markus (chef adjoint de délégation Jakarta, CICR)
SHARABI, Hekmat (responsable communication, délégation d'Amman)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
REVOL, Didier; POWELL, Janet
Production reference : AV151A
Description : The Movement is an incredible force, especially when delivering aid to the most vulnerable people trapped in war. Increasingly, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and National Societies pool their resources to meet the challenges of today's ever more competitive humanitarian world. Partnerships reinforce the Movement's Fundamental Principles, facilitate access at the community level, and introduce new and more effective ways of working. Volunteers and senior managers appearing in this film speak with one voice to say that the common achievements are much greater than what individual players can bring.
Original language : French; English
French title : Mouvement de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge : partenaires pour l'humanité
English title : Red Cross Red Crescent Movement : partners in humanity
Spanish title : Movimiento Internacional de la Cruz Roja y de la Media Luna Roja : asociados por la humanidad
Title in other language : Movimento da Cruz Vermelha e do Crescente Vermelho : parceiros pela humanidade
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : ProRes 422
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
