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Reference : V-F-CR-F-01590-A
Date : 05/2016
Country/Region : ISRAEL
Title : Un cirque palestinien allume des sourires sur les visages des enfants de Jérusalem = Palestinian circus brings a smile to children's faces in Jerusalem
Duration : 00:00:44
Editor : NICHOLAS, Christopher; AUDEOUD, Tristan
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
Production reference : AV479A
Description : It is 5 P.M. on a windy spring afternoon in Jerusalem. Despite the drastic drop in temperatures, in the East side of the city, more than 250 people headed to the Palestinian National Theatre to witness Mish Zabta – β€œit is not working,” in English – one of the main productions of the Palestinian Circus School.
Original language : English; French
Other language : International soundtrack
French title : Un cirque palestinien allume des sourires sur les visages des enfants de Jérusalem
English title : Palestinian circus brings a smile to children's faces in Jerusalem
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : ProRes 422
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
