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Reference : V-F-CR-F-02048
Date : 07/2017
Country/Region : SOMALIA
Title : Apporter des soins jusque dans les villages les plus reculés de Somalie = Mobile teams deliver health for Somalis “far, far away”
Duration : 00:01:25
Director : unknown
Cameraman : unknown
Editor : unknown
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC; CR Somalie
Production company : ICRC; CR Somalie
ICRC producer :
Description : The families seemed to appear out of nowhere. Death and disease stalk the rural residents in this remote and lonely village, giving this drought-hit region a quiet, ghost-like feel.
On Wednesdays, though, the mobile health team arrives. Ceel-Qorrah village sees a burst of activity : mothers with children in tow begin streaming in, and once the van bearing the Red Crescent symbol pulls up, the work begins.
The fight against malnutrition and disease is pressing in the small, thirsty villages of Somalia. With the help of the Somali Red Crescent Society (SRCS), mobile teams are being deployed to communities cut off from basic health care due to conflict, disaster and distance.
Ceel-Qorrah in southern Galgaduud region is one of those villages. Drought has laid waste to livestock and threatened the way of life of pastoral communities. The villages the mobile health teams visit are up to 100 kilometres from the nearest larger towns.
The team of six nurses in distinctive red coats unload their equipment next to a tree and inside makeshift houses made of woven sticks and polythene roofing. Nurses take the weight and height of the children, checking for malnutrition, while mothers collect the family's weekly ration of high-calorie, vitamin-packed biscuits. The cries of children receiving vaccines fill the air, while the midwife station provides antenatal and postnatal care. The more serious health needs are referred to the nearest SRCS clinic, three hours away by car.
The whole village feels alive as residents and surrounding villages congregate. The Somali Red Crescent team draws its volunteer staff from the region, adding to the sense of community pride.
The SRCS, with support from the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), operates 11 mobile clinics in southern and central Somalia. Six began operations in 2017 as part of the scaled-up drought response. The mobile clinics also double as barometers of alarming malnutrition levels and disease outbreaks like cholera, likely occurrences during the prevailing parched conditions.
Original language : Somali
Other language : International soundtrack; English
French title : Apporter des soins jusque dans les villages les plus reculés de Somalie
English title : Mobile teams deliver health for Somalis “far, far away”
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : H264
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
