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Reference : V-F-CR-F-01660-N(2)
Date : 03/11/2016
Country/Region : IRAQ
Title : Iraq : hospitals close to Mosul front lines receive war casualties
Duration : 00:06:58
Director : unknown
Cameraman : unknown
Editor : unknown
Person appearing :
HUSHYAR MUSTAFA, Omar (physician)
AL-HASAN, Haitham Daniel (nurse, ICRC)
ALZAWQARI, Sarah (spokesperson, ICRC)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
Description : As the fight for Mosul intensifies, civilians are in the path of battle. With many more casualties expected in the coming weeks, the ICRC is supporting local hospitals and primary health care centres to treat the wounded.
Iraq has known little peace for years. Over three million Iraqis have already been displaced since the onset of the armed conflict in 2014. Now, as the fighting in and around the city of Mosul escalates, communities across the region have to prepare for war, again. The ICRC is supporting local medical facilities as they get ready to receive the wounded.
Once a local community hospital with just fifty beds, Shikhan Hospital is now opening its doors to anyone needing medical attention. But war injuries were not, until now, its day to day work.
Already Shikhan Hospital’s wards are filling up with the wounded. No one takes sides here, those injured in war have a right to medical treatment, and that is exactly what this hospital is providing. As Dr. Hushyar Mustafa Omar explains, the only priority is to save lives.
At first many of the new patients are young men wounded in battle. But civilians too are starting to arrive. Among them is Fadel, who is just 10 years old. He is here with his little sister, and his uncle. The family has suffered tragic loss.
As the advance on Mosul continues, hospitals like the one in Shikhan will face huge challenges. As the fighting spreads, there will be more and more wounded, each, as Sara Alzawqari already knows, with a personal story of displacement, and loss.
All around Mosul, and in the city itself, civilians live in the path of the warring parties. It is estimated up to a million people could flee as the fighting continues. That is why hospitals like the one in Shikhan should, and must, be protected. Hospitals, and the doctors and nurses in them, are neutral, and ready to treat everyone in need.
Original language : International soundtrack
English title : Iraq : hospitals close to Mosul front lines receive war casualties
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : H264
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
