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Reference : V-F-CR-F-02338-A
Date : 04/2018
Title : Séquence nucléaire = Nuclear sequel
Duration : 00:01:25
Cameraman : various
Editor : FELL, Nicola Eva
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
CLANCY, Matthew Dermot; FELL, Nicola Eva
Production reference : AV838A
Description : After a nuclear attack, the alert comes through in seconds. Your team is ready to help: but how ?
Your first thought is to the survivors: Hospitals there are severely damaged, electricity and water are cut of, and life-saving equipment lies in fragments. What’s worse is the doctors, nurses and first-responders are also among the victims. But can you send people in ? Your maps aren’t much use now. The blast wave and fireball have destroyed buildings, covered roads in rubble, and torn train tracks from the ground. Maybe you could airlift teams in. But how many would be willing to go and much help will they be ? Protective clothing makes it hard to do the job and some radiation still seeps through. Can you justify putting even more people at risk ? Even if you get in, the number of victims is beyond anything you’ve ever seen. Tens of thousands may be dead and hundreds of thousands injured.
Survivors are slowly moving, carrying with them radioactive dust. They all need shelter, food, water - and to be decontaminated. And what to do with the mass of dead bodies? How to identify them, inform their families and ensure their remains are properly buried ?
There is no way to deal with a nuclear attack. These weapons should never be used. All states should must sign up to the nuclear ban now.

Original language : English; French
Other language : International soundtrack
English title : Séquence nucléaire
Spanish title : Nuclear sequel
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1080 x 1080
Aspect ratio : square
Original material/format : H264
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
