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Reference : V-F-CR-F-02810-D
Date : 12/2019
Title : République centrafricaine : soutien en matière de santé mentale pour les enfants témoins de violence = Central African Republic : mental health support for children who have witnessed violence
Duration : 00:03:03
Director : LESKINEN, Hanna
Cameraman : unknown
Editor : FELL, Nicola Eva
Person appearing :
MENIKO, Mamie Nouria Yabutu Nzeda (psychologist, ICRC)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
Description : Supporting children's mental health can be lifesaving in times of war and violence, just as much as stemming a bleeding wound or having clean water.
In the Central African Republic, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is helping children who have been exposed to violence and may be suffering from insomnia, nightmares, anger and fear.
As explained by Mamie Nouria Yabutu Nzeda Meniko, as the children draw, they learn how to externalise the trauma they’ve witnessed. The drawings also help the therapeutic process, as a way to start talking about a trauma or a taboo subject.
Original language : French
Other language : International soundtrack; English
French title : République centrafricaine : soutien en matière de santé mentale pour les enfants témoins de violence
English title : Central African Republic : mental health support for children who have witnessed violence
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : H264
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
