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Reference : V-F-CR-F-03604-A
Date : 02/2023
Title : Why is the ICRC silent ?
Duration : 00:01:38
Director : FELL, Nicola Eva
Cameraman : FELL, Nicola Eva
Editor : FELL, Nicola Eva
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
FELL, Nicola Eva
Description : Why is the ICRC silent? In the age of social media, it's easy to criticise. But for the ICRC, denouncing one side in a war only happens when all other options have been exhausted. Christian Cardon explains why the ICRC works behind closed doors to reach people in need.

Arabic version: speaker Robert Mardini (video slightly longer than the original version).
French version: speaker Didier Revol (video slightly longer than the original version).
Original language : Spanish; French; Chinese; English; Portuguese; Arabic
Other language : International soundtrack
English title : Why is the ICRC silent ?
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : H264
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
