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Reference : V-F-CR-F-03618-A
Date : 09/2022
Country/Region : MOZAMBIQUE
Title : Mozambique, Cabo Delgado, Montepuez : urban water project
Duration : 00:06:17
Director : CHEGE, Eric Samson
Cameraman : CHEGE, Eric Samson
Editor : CHEGE, Eric Samson
Person appearing :
GONZALEZ CARBALLO, Angel (coordinateur Wathab, CICR)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
CHEGE, Eric Samson
Description : The armed conflict in Cabo Delgado has had a real impact on the people and their lives. Internally displaced persons have fled violence in the northern areas and have settled in urban areas such as Montepuez. An estimated 12,’000 internally displaced persons have settled in Montepuez,
This new population represents an additional stress for the fragile essential services, in particular access to water and health services.. Access to a safe, sufficient, and affordable drinking water supply represented a major challenge for host communities and IDPs alike. The situation before the conflict was already dire and was overwhelmed by the additional needs generated by the displaced population, making people depend on unsafe, seasonal, and unreliable water sources.
In the city of Montepuez, only 8% of the population received water through the urban water supply system, characterized by obsolete infrastructures, inadequate to cover the demand. FIPAG, the national urban water operator in charge of the system, faced important institutional challenges and lack of financial resources to develop the system and respond to the rapid increase in water demand. In partnership with the FIPAG, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) launched in 2021 an ambitious project to expand the urban water system, and build infrastructures with capacity to provide drinking water for the entire population of Montepuez.
In Phase 1 of the project, the ICRC has completed a master plan study, has built a first network extension which is already providing drinking water to an area with over 15,000 people. Additional distribution centers are currently being built, which will allow the extension of the network to reach 25,’000 people more in 2023. These distribution centers have been designed to enable the future expansion of the system to all the urban area.
The Phase 2 of the project requires the engagement of new humanitarian and development partners who, alongside the national urban water operator FIPAG and the ICRC, will co-design and finance the full expansion of the system, and develop the capacity to ensure a sustainable service.
By the end of the project implementation in 2030, over 160,000 people will be reached by the water service, either through public fountains or through household connections. The infrastructure is designed to cover the water demand until 2040, when a total of 210,000 will be served by the system
The people of Montepuez will have access to a clean and affordable drinking water supply. This in turn will provide the foundations for long-term urban development, by directly improving the health, economy, and protection of the population.
Original language : Portuguese; English
English title : Mozambique, Cabo Delgado, Montepuez : urban water project,
Title in other language : Moçambique, Cabo Delgado, Montepuez : projecto de abastecimento urbano de água
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : H264
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
