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Reference : V-F-CR-F-03743-A
Date : 01/11/2023
Country/Region : MYANMAR
Title : ICRC's emergency assistance in Hpa-Pun and Hlaing Bwe townships, Kayin State to over 1,500 displaced families.
Duration : 00:01:30
Cameraman : SIAN KHAI, Thang Khan
Editor : SIAN KHAI, Thang Khan
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
SIAN KHAI, Thang Khan
Description : ICRC's emergency assistance in Hpa-Pun and Hlaing Bwe townships, Kayin State to over 1,500 displaced families living in Myaning Gyi Ngu, Ohn Taw, Kamamaung town, and their surrounding areas.
"Our emergency distribution lasted for six days," mentioned U S.See Lwin, an ICRC team leader for Kayin distribution. "Many of these displaced families have been here for nearly two years. We provided them with rice, oil, peas, salt, and mosquito nets. Additionally, for those who arrived in 2023, we provided additional water buckets, hygiene kits, rope, tarpaulin, and vegetable seeds," he added.
Additionally, due to the ongoing threat of landmines and other explosive devices, the ICRC conducted Risk Awareness and Safer Behavior sessions throughout the week and assessments of communal hand-dug wells as the communities residing in Kamamaung area face water shortages during the dry season.
"Through this support, families will be able to cope with some of the hardships and endure harsh weather," U S.See Lwin mentioned. Humanitarian access remains crucially needed in Myanmar.
People made vulnerable by armed conflict must be given access to essential services such as healthcare, education sustainable livelihoods, as well as humanitarian aid.
Original language : Burmese; English
Other language : International soundtrack
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : H264
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
