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Reference : V-F-CR-F-03754-A
Date : 18/10/2023
Title : 60 tons of humanitarian aid and medical items mobilised by the ICRC.
Duration : 00:00:36
Cameraman : FARAH, Ahmed
Editor : ZHANG, Yifan
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication subject to restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC; Reuters
ICRC producer :
ZHANG, Yifan
Description : Newsroom - 18-10-2023

A convoy carrying 60 tons of aid, including urgently needed medical items, from the CRC has been mobilised for Gaza, but safe humanitarian access is urgently needed to deliver them to civilians in need. A four-person surgical team including a chief surgeon, an orthopedic surgeon, an anesthetist, and a theatre nurse are on standby to support the overwhelmed hospitals in the Gaza Strip to cope with the influx of the wounded.

ICRC chief surgeon Tom Potokar says: “It’s critically important to deploy. We all know the situation is very bad. There are a huge number of wounded people, and a lot of displaced people and ICRC has a role in helping these people in their suffering. The situation this time is much more difficult. There are far bigger numbers in terms of the people injured. The humanitarian crisis that is unfolding is on a much bigger scale.”

The recent violence in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory is at a level that the ICRC has not witnessed in many years. Thousands have lost their lives and many more are injured, missing, or displaced. The conflict has the potential to spiral further out of control, causing even more suffering to civilians on both sides. In Gaza, hospitals are on the brink of collapse, electricity is running out and people have little food or water. The level of humanitarian needs created by the violence requires sustained humanitarian relief.
Original language : French; English
Other language : International soundtrack
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1080 x 1080
Aspect ratio : square
Original material/format : H264
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
