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Reference : V-F-CR-F-03757-A
Date : 23/09/2023
Country/Region : MYANMAR
Title : To improve access to drinking water for people living in isolated areas affected by the Kachin conflict, the ICRC has implemented four gravity-fed water supply projects over the past five years, benefiting 11,000 people.
Duration : 00:04:39
Cameraman : NDAWNG, Zaw Hpang
Editor : unknown
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
KYAW, Kyaw Myo
Description : To improve access to clean water for the people living in remote and conflict-affected areas of Kachin, the ICRC has implemented four gravity flow water system projects over the last five years, benefiting 11,000 people. The gravity flow water systems, designed to efficiently transport water from uphill springs to low-lying areas through pipelines, were set up in Sumpyiyang village (Putao Township), Lawa village (Hpakant Township), and Taunglin and Maing Khaung villages (Mansi Township). The system helps people save time and effort in collecting water from distant water sources and increases their access to clean water. "During our assessment visits, villagers shared their everyday struggle to access clean water in sufficient quantity. They were also eager to work collectively in creating a solution," says ICRC engineer Ko Thein Oo. He shares that the communities came together to carry materials to the site, dig for the pipelines, build grooves when the pipelines were laid and connect pipes to transfer water within the villages. "The gravity flow water system is a simple and cost-effective method of distributing water in areas where electricity or fuel is not available or affordable," says Ko Thein Oo. The system's effectiveness depends on various factors, including the terrain, the distance between the water source and the point of use, and the demand for water. "In Kachin, the system proved to be effective," he adds.
Original language : Burmese; English
Other language : International soundtrack
Colour/B&W : colour
Resolution : 1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio : 16/9
Original material/format : H264
Best material/format available : ProRes 422
