Reference :
Date :
Title :
Building Sustainable Livestock Health: ICRC trains and equips local livestock auxiliaries to improve animal health, combat diseases, and enhance veterinary care in agro-pastoral communities.
Duration :
Editor :
MAIGA, Abdoul Rachid
Confidentiality level :
Publication restrictions :
publication without restrictions
Production company :
ICRC producer :
MAIGA, Abdoul Rachid
Description :
To strengthen the capacities of agro-pastoral and pastoral communities, it is essential to effectively combat livestock diseases while improving husbandry practices. With this in mind, the ICRC, in collaboration with the relevant Regional Livestock Directorates, selects and finances the training of livestock auxiliaries (AEs).
These auxiliaries, who come from local communities, receive specialist training before being installed on their own land. They work under the supervision of a local Private Veterinary Service (SVPP), which supplies them with quality veterinary products. This system strengthens the sustainability of animal health care while helping to combat antimicrobial resistance (AMR). It also enables early detection of animal diseases to facilitate rapid intervention.
At the end of their training, each AE receives a kit of veterinary equipment and a voucher worth 300,000 CFA francs (XOF) for the purchase of medicines and veterinary inputs from SVPPs.
Interviewees: Colonel Elhadj Ousmane, Minister for Agriculture and Livestock, Alzouma Sambo, beneficiary
Colour/B&W :
Resolution :
1920 x 1080
Aspect ratio :
Original material/format :
Best material/format available :
ProRes 422