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Reference : V-F-CR-F-00704
Date : 12/2001
Title : Afghanistan : the first Red Cross truck convoy reaches northern Kunduz area, December 2001
Duration : 00:04:32
Cameraman : unknown
Editor : unknown
Person appearing :
GIANNOU, Chris Paul (chirurgien)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
Description : The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) lorry Convoy carrying vital medical supplies has crossed the newly opened border from Tajikistan into northern Afghanistan. The convoy had to make its one full day journey along neglected and unmade roads, and crossing flooded rivers with few or no bridges. The lorries brought emergency medical kits and a much needed electricity generator to Taloqan Hospital near the city of Kunduz which fell to anti-Taliban forces a few days ago. Taloqan is currently the only hospital operational in the area as health facilities in Kunduz and Maza-i-sharif have been seriously damaged or looted. Taloqan Hospital was close to the front line and treated over a hundred people injured in fighting during the fall of Kunduz. It is also treating injuries caused by antipersonnel landmines and cluster bombs. Many of the victims are civilians. Local staff at the hospital have continued to treat patients throughout the American bombing raids, although since September, the hospital has had little or no electricity and has been extremely short of medical supplies. Since the Taliban regime was deposed in Kunduz, staff at the hospital are already seeing changes in their living and working conditions. Dr Fawzia, a gynacologist at Taloqan Hospital, comments that under the Taliban regime, male doctors had to get written permission from the authorities to examine some female patients who often died while waiting for permission to come through. An International Committee of the Red Cross war surgeon travelled with the convoy to Taloqa. Dr Chris Giannou is carrying out an evaluation of the hospital’s most urgent needs so that further supplies and assistance can be provided.
Original language : English
English title : Afghanistan : the first Red Cross truck convoy reaches northern Kunduz area, December 2001
Colour/B&W : colour
Original material/format : Betacam SP
Best material/format available : Betacam SP
