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Reference : V-F-CR-F-00770-C
Date : 04/2003
Country/Region : ETHIOPIA
Title : Ethiopie : l'action du CICR contre la sécheresse = Ethiopia : ICRC action against drought
Duration : 00:09:02
Cameraman : SIDLER, Roland
Editor : unknown
Person appearing :
WILLIAMS, Stephen Robert (EcoSec delegate, ICRC)
MOHAMMED, Ahmed (field officer, ICRC)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
Description : Since the beginning of this year, the people of Ethiopia have once again been under threat of famine. This agricultural country depends on the rains to feed its nomadic herdsmen and villagers, but drought has left food production down by 20% overall this year, and in worst affected areas, crop losses are as high as 90%. The Ethiopian authorities estimate that as many as 11 million people risk food shortages. Many farmers and herdsmen are being forced to sell off their possessions, including their animals, since they have no stocks to feed themselves and no grazing for their drought-starved herds. The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) reports that it is not too late to alleviate the worst effects of drought. People are not yet in the grip of famine, but action must be taken now to prevent a humanitarian disaster. The ICRC has therefore joined forces with the Ethiopian Red Cross in the largest preventive action in their history. Around 50,000 tones of food are being distributed to people living in a north-east swathe running through the centre of the country. Equally important, stocks of seed are being provided so that as soon as the rainy season starts, farmers will be able to plant ready for harvesting later this year.
Original language : English
Other language : International soundtrack; French
French title : Ethiopie : l'action du CICR contre la sécheresse
English title : Ethiopia : ICRC action against drought
Colour/B&W : colour
Original material/format : DVCam
Best material/format available : DVCam
