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Reference : V-F-CR-F-00790-A
Date : 2003
Country/Region : SIERRA LEONE
Title : Enfants-soldats : la loi dit non ! = Child soldiers : the law says no ! = Niños soldados : el derecho dice no !
Duration : 00:14:22
Editor : unknown
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : reserved users only
Copyright : ICRC
Commissioned production company : Insight News television pour le CICR
ICRC producer :
Description : This film is trying to show now that all over the world there should be no child soldiers. I hope that in any country where there is a war, as long as they watch this film they have seen how we the children were destroyed."" Tamba, former child soldier.
Tamba and other former child soldiers promote the message that children must not be recruited into armed forces or groups, nor take part in hostilities.
Original language : English; Spanish; French
French title : Enfants-soldats : la loi dit non !
English title : Child soldiers : the law says no !
Spanish title : Niños soldados : el derecho dice no !
Title in other language : Kindersoldaten
Colour/B&W : black and white
Original material/format : Digital Betacam
Best material/format available : Digital Betacam
