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Reference : V-F-CR-F-00817-A
Date : 12/2003
Title : South East Asia : the silent victims of amputations
Duration : 00:14:58
Editor : GRAENISCHER, Laurent
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production company : ICRC
ICRC producer :
Description : In south-east Asia, tens of thousands of people suffer from amputations caused by landmines, other explosive ordnance or traffic and domestic accidents. Landmines laid years ago continue to kill and maim. The victims of old accidents struggle on, often without the care and rehabilitation that could help them live their lives with dignity. Although Asia is considered to be financially buoyant, many countries in this region do not have the financial resources or technical know-how to care for landmine victims.. Having built up years of experience in the care and rehabilitation of amputees, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), jointly with national Red Cross and agreements of concerned Authorities, is setting up centres in a number of countries in the region to make and fit artificial limbs and offer rehabilitation courses to victims so that they can – literally - stand on their own two feet. A new centre opened its doors in China in December this year. Two centres were opened last year in Myanmar and North Korea. In all the countries where the ICRC works, artificial limbs are assembled in situ . Many of the parts are also made locally, ensuring that they are high quality but low cost. However, new ideas and technology are developed close to ICRC headquarters in Switzerland. High-tech componens, such as knee joints, are also developped in the town of Coppet, on the shores of lake Geneva, and shipped far afield to be used by amputees in Myanmar, North Korea, China, Vietnam and other countries in South-East Asia.

Original language : International soundtrack
English title : South East Asia : the silent victims of amputations
Colour/B&W : colour
Original material/format : DVCam
Best material/format available : DVCam
