Reference : V-P-CG-E-00145
Date : 14/03/2012
Country/Region : CONGO
Caption : Brazzaville, Mungali childcare facility. Children separated from thier parents following the explosion of ammunition stockpiles are accomodated in two childcare facilities by the Congolese Red Cross. The ICRC provides food and supplies.
Photographer : s.n.
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : ICRC website, Operational Update, 22-03-2012

Republic of the Congo: clearing the stricken area and reuniting families

Since ammunition stockpiles exploded in Brazzaville on 4 March, unexploded devices in inhabited areas have been and still are a major hazard for the population and emergency services alike.


Tracing unaccompanied children and restoring contact between family members

Thanks to the support of Brazzaville media outlets, the population has been informed that there is a service, set up by the ICRC and the Congolese Red Cross, that traces children who have been separated from their families. Almost 90 families have asked the two organizations to help find their children. To date, 42 of 48 children identified by the ICRC as unaccompanied have been reunited with their parents. Six children and nine adolescents are still waiting to rejoin their families.

With the support of 17 Congolese Red Cross volunteers, the ICRC is pressing ahead with its work identifying children and tracing family members. Information panels in both childcare facilities where unaccompanied children are looked after are constantly updated. The ICRC is providing the facilities with clothing, food and various supplies.


Original material : digital
Resolution : 2592x1944
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
