Reference : V-P-CH-E-00770
Date : 01/07/2011
Country/Region : SWITZERLAND; IRAN
Caption : Geneva, ICRC headquarters. Signing of a memorandum of understanding between the ICRC and the Islamic Countries Organization of Forensic Medicine.
Photographer : GASSMANN, Thierry
Person appearing :
BIBER, Bruce (Head of Cooperation and Coordination within the Movement)
YOUSSEF, Patrick (deputy head of operations for the Near and Middle East, ICRC)
DALZIEL, Anthony (senior deputy head of operations Near and Middle East, ICRC)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : On the picture:
Anthony Dalziel, Senior deputy Head of Operations Near and Middle East, second from the left
Bruce Biber, Head of Cooperation and Coordination within the Movement Division, third from the left
Dr Shahabeddin Sadr, Founder and Honorary President of the ICOFM and Deputy Speaker of the Iranian Parliament, fourth from the left
Patrick Youssef, Deputy Head of Operations Near and Middle East, fifth from the left
Sabira Baratbaeva, Head of Cooperation Middle East Sector, sixth from the left
Original material : digital
Resolution : 4256x2832
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
