Reference : V-P-PK-E-00903
Date : 08/2009
Country/Region : PAKISTAN
Caption : North West Frontier Province, District of Dir, internally displaced persons' camp of Khungi Sha.
Photographer : FICHARD, Philippe
Keyword : TENT; CAMP
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : In agreement with the local authorities, the ICRC and the Pakistan Red Crescent set up the camp around August 9 2009 for internally displaced persons.The aim was to free up schools, which had hosted many displaced persons over the last few months, so that they could admit students for the new academic year which was restarting. The camp could eventually host up to 4,000 people. Part of the infrastructure and equipment used in this camp came from the ICRC/PRCS Swabi Camp, which had just closed few weeks before.
This shot was taken few days after the first families had arrived. The camp was still under construction by the PRCS volunteers under ICRC supervision. Staff had already pitched 250 tents, dug latrines and set up showers and tap stands providing drinking water. Community kitchens were about to be build to allow residents to become self-reliant by cooking their own food.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 3008x2000
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
