Reference : V-P-ID-E-00217
Date : 13/12/2005
Country/Region : INDONESIA
Caption : Aceh, district of Aceh Besar, Lam Pageu village. Water distribution stand installed by the ICRC.
Photographer : QURESHI, Rafiullah
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : Stories from the field of the 15/12/2005
One of its most important activities is to provide access to safe water and better sanitation.
In selected villages and temporary settlements, teams of ICRC engineers clean, reconstruct and rehabilitate wells, and build new latrines or upgrade existing ones.
The village of Lam pageu is typical. Situated in the district of Aceh Besar, the village is right on the coast and close to the mountains. Signs of destruction are still visible but there are more encouraging indications of reconstruction too – piles of bricks and busy construction workers.
Before the tsunami, the villagers were dependent on water piped in from a mountain spring. The tsunami destroyed the system and the ICRC team has identified the village for a rehabilitation project. With the help of the villagers in digging new trenches, Teuku Youvan, ICRC engineer and his ICRC colleagues managed to rehabilitate the one and a half kilometre pipeline. A new tap stand was also installed in the village.
Until now, Youvan and his other colleagues at the ICRC Water & Habitat department have reconstructed, rehabilitated and dug 1,500 wells and completed dozens of latrines and other sanitation schemes. He likes his job because it brings him closer to people and communities and it helps compensate for his own personal grief.

Original material : digital
Resolution : 1600x1200
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
