Reference : V-P-VN-N-00024-21
Date : 28/12/1975
Country/Region : PAKISTAN; VIET NAM
Caption : Repatriation of foreigners from Saigon.
Photographer : s.n.
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : Extract from ICRC annual report 1975:
"Assistance to foreigners
Another great problem for the delegation after 30 April was that of foreigners still in Saigon. There were several thousand, stranded without any diplomatic representation, trying to find a way of leaving the country as their funds dwindled.
Not knowing where else to turn, they reported to the delegation where their names were taken. The lists of names were then given to the Foreign Affairs Committee in Saigon-Ho Chi Minh and were also sent to Geneva, whence they were forwarded to the various countries of origin.
The ICRC provided aid, mainly in the form of food, to needy communities while awaiting a solution. Several homeless foreigners were temporarly housed in the delegation building.

The beginning of a solution to the problem of foreigners wishing to be repatriated was found towards the end of 1975 after a visit to South Vietnam, from 28 November to 3 December, by the Director of ICRC operations, who was also Co-Director of the Indo-China Bureau. On behalf of the authorities, the Red Cross of the Republic of South Vietnam officialy asked the International Red Cross for help in repatriating certain foreign groups mainly Indians, Pakistanis and Yemenis.
The first two flights in this operation took place on 28 and 30 December 1975. A total of 444 Pakistanis returned home aboard a specially chartered DC-8-63.
Original material : negative
Resolution : 2296x3500
Orientation : portrait
Colour/B&W : black and white
