Reference : V-S-51091-A-01
Date : 26/09/2014
Title : Law as an Ideal ? The Protection of Military and Civilian Victims to the test of the First World War
Duration : 01:25:16
Speaker :
PALMIERI, Daniel (research officer, ICRC)
HERRMANN, Irene (university of Geneva)
BLONDEL, Jean-Luc (head of Division archives and information managment, ICRC)
HOLQUIST, Peter (university of Pennsylvania)
KRAMER, Alan (professor, Trinity College Dublin)
Language : English
Recording type : conference
Recording kind : edited recording
Recording location : Humanitarium, siège du CICR, Genève, Suisse
Description : 00'01 - 05'10 Daniel Palmieri : Welcome and Introductio / 05'11 - 24'06 Irene Herrmann : Law as and ideal ? Introductory Reflections / 24'07 - 26'13 Jean-Luc Blondel : Chair / 26'24 - 55'48 Peter Holquist : The Russian Empire's Intentions regarding Observance of the Laws of War in the Early Stge of the First World War : Treatment of Enemy Subject Civilians / 57'46 - 1'23'19 Alan Kramer : International Law and the Austro-Italian front during the First World War
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production : ICRC
Producer :
PALMIERI, Daniel (research officer, ICRC)
ZURCHER, Florence (archivist, ICRC)
MP3 file size : 78.1 MB
of 1
Title Date Speaker Language Duration
Law as an Ideal ? The Protection of Military and Civilian Victims to the test of the First World War 26/09/2014
BLONDEL, Jean-Luc (head of Division archives and information managment, ICRC)
MURPHY, Mahon (London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE)
English 01:12:51
Law as an Ideal ? The Protection of Military and Civilian Victims to the Test of the First World War 26/09/2014
PALMIERI, Daniel (research officer, ICRC)
BIANCHI, Bruna (Ca' Foscari university Venice)
GUMZ, Jonathan (university of Birmingham)
WYLIE, Neville (university of Nottingham)
English 01:30:46
Law as an Ideal ? The Protection of Military and Civilian Victims to the test of the First World War 27/09/2014
CAMERON, Lindsey (legal advisor, ICRC)
English 00:33:30
Law as an Ideal ? The Protection of Military and Civilian Victims to the Test of the First World War 27/09/2014
HERRMANN, Irene (university of Geneva)
FREI, Gabriela (Merton College, Oxford)
CAMERON, Lindsey (legal advisor, ICRC)
WALLECZEK-FRITZ, Julia (Austrian state archives)
English 02:41:30
