Reference : V-S-51100-A-01
Date : 27/11/2014
Title : ICRC presents its budget for 2015
Duration : 01:04:52
Speaker :
CARLIEZ, Sébastien (head of Division, ICRC)
MAURER, Peter (president, ICRC)
SAVIOZ, Régis (deputy director, ICRC)
Language : English
Series/Sub-series : Operational activity
Recording type : news release
Recording kind : original recording not edited (rush)
Recording location : Humanitarium, siège du CICR, Genève, Suisse
Description : ICRC President Peter Maurer will present an overview of the organization's operations and priorities for 2015 and the corresponding budgetary requirements. We will be issuing a news release, infographics, interative maps as well as audio-visual news illustrating the trends and priority themes for the coming year.
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production : ICRC
Producer :
ZURCHER, Florence (archivist, ICRC)
MOREL, Cindy (technical assistant Humanitarium, ICRC)
MP3 file size : 59.4 MB
