Reference : V-S-51160-A-01
Date : 16/09/2015
Title : Connecting with the Past : the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in Critical Historical Perspective. Panel 1 + Panel 2 [continuation see V-S-51160-A-02]
Duration : 01:58:54
Speaker :
SLIM, Hugo (head of policy cell, ICRC)
REEVES, Caroline (associate in research, Harvard University)
HERRMANN, Irene (associate professor, University of Geneva)
HEYNINGEN VAN, Elizabeth (professor, University of Cape Town)
BUZARD, Nan (executive director, ICVA)
PALMIERI, Daniel (research officer, ICRC)
Language : English
Series/Sub-series : Miscellaneous
Recording type : conference
Recording kind : original recording not edited (rush)
Recording location : Humanitarium, siège du CICR, Genève, Suisse
Description : Panel 1 : The Birth of Modern Humanitarianism (1860s to First World War).
Perspectives from the Red Cross Society of China, 1899-1937.
The ICRC and the construction of neutrality before WWI.
The South African War as humanitarian crisis.
Panel 2 : Consolidation and Expansion (from WWI to WWII).
When neutrality meets ideology : the ICRC in the Spanish Civil War. Questions / Answers.
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Coproduction : ICRC; University of Exeter; Arts and Humanities Research Council
Coproducer :
MOREL, Cindy (technical assistant Humanitarium, ICRC)
MP3 file size : 108.9 MB
of 1
Title Date Speaker Language Duration
Connecting with the Past : the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in Critical Historical Perspective : Panel 2 [continuation of V-S-51160-A-01] 16/09/2015
PALMIERI, Daniel (research officer, ICRC)
FRAMKE, Maria (university of Rostock)
BUZARD, Nan (executive director, ICVA)
MAUL, Daniel Roger (assistant professor, Aarhus University)
English 01:07:56
Connecting with the Past : the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in Critical Historical Perspective : Panel 3 16/09/2015
SANDOZ, Yves (professor, Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights)
THOMPSON, Andrew (professor of modern History, University of Exeter)
O'SULLIVAN, Kevin (lecturer, National Univeristy of Ireland)
MOHANNA, Kamel (founder and director, Amel Association)
English 01:49:53
Connecting with the Past : the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in Critical Historical Perspective : Panel 4 17/09/2015
KENT, Randolph (director of the Humanitarian futures programe, King's College London)
AARONSON, Michael (professorial research fellow, University of Surrey)
PEROUSE DE MONTCLOS, Marc-Antoine (associate fellow Africa program, Chatham House)
NEUMAN, Michaël (director of studies, MSF)
GIVONI, Michal (lecturer, Ben Gurion University)
English 01:59:14
Connecting with the Past : the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in Critical Historical Perspective : Panel 5 17/09/2015
DAUDIN, Pascal (senior policy adviser, ICRC)
TERRY, Fiona (independent consultant)
BRAGG, Catherine (deputy emergency relief coordinator of Office for the Coordination, UNO)
KISIA, James (executive director, ICHA and deputy secretary general, Kenya Red Cross Society)
FAST, Larissa (Fellow, AAAS)
English 01:33:05
Connecting with the Past : the Fundamental Principles of the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement in Critical Historical Perspective 17/09/2015
JHA, Prem Shankar (-)
HALFF TAHA, Kathryn (-)
MACDONALD, Ingrid (head of Advocacy, Norwegian Refugee Council)
SLIM, Hugo (head of policy cell, ICRC)
English 01:16:02
Stubborn Realities, Shared Humanity : History in the Service of Humanitarian Action 16/09/2015
BERNARD, Vincent (forum head of Unit and editor in chief, ICRC)
COCKING, Jane (humanitarian director, OXFAM)
MAURER, Peter (president, ICRC)
HERRMANN, Irene (associate professor, University of Geneva)
THOMPSON, Andrew (professor of modern History, University of Exeter)
AARONSON, Michael (professorial research fellow, University of Surrey)
English 01:51:28
