Reference : V-S-11770-A-01
Date : 1986
Title : Émission radiophonique RCBS (Red Cross Broadcasting Service)
Duration : 00:19:44
Speaker :
SPRECHER, Jean (délégué diffusion, CICR)
GASSMANN, Pierre (head of delegation, ICRC)
Language : German
Series/Sub-series : Radio broadcast; Test broadcast
Recording type : review
Recording kind : edited recording
Recording location : studio radio RCBS, siège du CICR, Genève, Suisse
Description : Cette version n’est pas décrite en raison de la langue.
Radio channel : Radio Suisse Internationale, RSI
Radio broadcast : Rot Kreuz Welle
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Production : ICRC
Producer :
PENARD, Gérard (radio technician, ICRC)
MP3 file size : 18 MB
of 1
Title Date Speaker Language Duration
Émission radiophonique RCBS (Red Cross Broadcasting Service) 1986
ORTEGA, Ruben (delegate, ICRC)
GASSMANN, Pierre (head of delegation, ICRC)
Spanish 00:20:15
