Reference : V-P-NE-E-00063
Date : 23/10/2012
Country/Region : MALI; NIGER
Caption : Niamey. ICRC/Red Cross Society of Niger food distribution site for Malian refugees. Distribution to refugees.
Photographer : BOURGEOIS, Patrick
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : ICRC website, Photo gallery, 23/10/2012

Niger: ICRC president meets government, Red Cross and refugees

ICRC president Peter Maurer visit to Niger and Mali. In Niamey, he met Prime Minister Brigi Rafini, Niger Red Cross vice-president Allagouma Maman and Malian refugees who have been receiving emergency aid from the ICRC and the Niger Red Cross.
The two organizations are distributing rice and oil to around 4,000 people who had to flee the conflict in Northern Mali.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 5184x3456
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
