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Reference : V-P-AF-E-02304
Date : 2015
Country/Region : AFGHANISTAN
Caption : Kabul. After benefiting from the ICRC physical rehabilitation programme, Mohammad, a 20-years-old-young-man who lost his leg when he was a kid, can play football.
Photographer : MOECKLI, Olivier
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : Story and account on, 2015: “Football. Not just a game, but a game-changer for thousands in Afghanistan. Years of conflict, violence and desperate hardships have made life almost unbearable in Afghanistan. Landmines, once scattered across the country, have robbed thousands of their ability to do the most basic of things like being able to move around freely. While preventable childhood diseases, such as polio, have meant countless children have faced a daily struggle to simply be able to walk. But through our physical rehabilitation programmes across Afghanistan, adults and children alike are getting the chance to feel whole again, and for many, to play the game that they love – football. Changing lives through football. Facing life with a disability can be extremely challenging. At the ICRC-supported rehabilitation centre in Kabul, football is helping people to meet others who experience similar daily struggles and find strength within themselves. It is also helping people to regain their sense of self belief."
“My Name is Mohammad Ali Afzali. I am 20 years old and I am a football player. I was six years old when I lost my leg. I still remember that fateful day. How could I forget? We were all sitting in our classroom; the teacher was solving a problem on the board. All of a sudden I heard a boom. I don’t remember what happened after that but when I opened my eyes, I was in the hospital. I heard my classmates crying. I tried to get up and I realized that I didn’t have my right leg anymore. What does football mean to you? I love playing football with my teammates and I love my team. I dream to take part in football matches one day and make my family, friends and my country proud. “
Original material : digital
Resolution : 5158x6887
Orientation : portrait
Colour/B&W : colour
