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Reference : V-P-LB-E-01493
Date : 07/2016
Country/Region : SYRIA; LEBANON
Caption : Akkar, Al-Sahel Syrian refugee camp. The Sahel region is home to nearly 72,000 Lebanese citizens and has taken in more than 60,000 Syrian refugees since the start of the crisis in Syria.
Photographer : TAHTAH, Marwan
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : ICRC photo gallery website, 04.08.2016: "Over the last two weeks, ICRC staff have vaccinated more than 15,800 children in 23 Lebanese villages and 500 informal Syrian settlements in Akkar, north Lebanon.
ICRC teams travelled from home to home and tent to tent across the Sahel area in Akkar in order to reach as many children under the age of five as possible.
The vaccination campaign was coordinated with the Lebanese Red Cross and the Ministry of Public Health.
With the influx of Syrian refugees, health and education services in the villages and towns in Sahel have been further exacerbated.
Insufficient access to proper vaccinations and health care have drastically increased the risk of epidemics among children and residents in the area.
ICRC teams have reached more than 15,000 children across the region with the help of local municipalities, experienced nurses and Lebanese Red Cross volunteers.
The Ministry of Public Health has designated the Sahel region as an extremely vulnerable area due to the dire situation arising from the growing number of Syrian refugees.
ICRC teams have spent time with families, explaining the benefits of vaccination for their children and answering all their questions."
Original material : digital
Resolution : 5760x3840
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
