Reference : V-P-UA-E-00691
Date : 26/04/2017
Country/Region : UKRAINE
Caption : Kiev, military history museum. ICRC forensics training on the search for and recovery of human remains.
Photographer : LEVIN, Maxym
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : The search for and recovery of mortal remains is the first step in the proper management of the dead, and requires great rigour and care. With this in mind, The ICRC delegation in Ukraine recently conducted a training in Kyiv with participants from different authorities, the police and civil military liaison teams involved in the search and recovery of civilian dead and military personnel missing in action.
The aim of the three-day workshop was to enable those taking part to gain more knowledge about both the technical and practical aspects of the exhumation of human remains. Also to ensure that human remains are handled with dignity and respect and that each piece of evidence is documented, so as to be able to provide answers to the families of the missing.
The training was one in a series of such ICRC workshops being planned in government-controlled areas during 2017, and was led by the ICRC’s regional forensics coordinator for Eurasia Maria Dolores Morcillo Mendez (photo 001) in cooperation with the ICRC’s forensic team in Ukraine.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 6016x4016
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
