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Reference : V-P-IL-E-03165
Date : 22/04/2018
Caption : Gaza. During a mine awareness event organized by the ICRC, an ICRC member and a child draw awareness messages together on a large white sheet
Photographer : s.n.
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC/Shadow Pro
Description : On the occasion of the International Mine Awareness Day (IMAD), which is observed throughout the world on the 4th of April every year, the ICRC in Gaza organized an awareness event with the participation of the mostly affected communities and school students. The objective of the event was to enhance the unexploded ordnance (UXO) awareness at the local level and to get the local community to know the actors in UXO awareness in Gaza.
The main activity of the event was drawing awareness messages on white sheet by children and community members who participated during the past year in awareness sessions, which were held by ICRC and the Palestine Red Crescent Society for communities and governmental schools located in the border area with Israel. To make the event thematically more comprehensive, each participating organization and/or department was given a display corner to do their own awareness activity, including giving briefings about their activities and services.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 5760x3240
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
