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Reference : V-P-AF-E-03030
Date : 16/07/2024
Country/Region : AFGHANISTAN
Caption : Nangarhar province, Fatima Zahra hospital. The ICRC is working with the Afghan Red Crescent Society to provide material assistance to flood-affected communities.
Photographer : NASARI, Sultan
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : “Afghanistan: A year of responding to numerous humanitarian challenges
In 2024, communities in Afghanistan continued to face a dire situation marked by persistent economic challenges, natural disasters and the consequences of decades of armed conflict. International sanctions and reduced foreign aid created further challenges, contributing to a grim situation in a country where millions of people are grappling with poverty, food insecurity and difficulties in accessing essential services like health care.

The plight of vulnerable groups, including women, children and people with disabilities, is particularly concerning. This alarming situation requires sustained international attention and long-term support to ensure that essential assistance reaches those in need.
- Katharina Ritz, International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Head of delegation in Afghanistan.


In 2024, heavy rainfalls and severe flash floods affected over 119,160 people across 32 provinces, destroying or damaging over 6,800 homes and causing significant damage to about 64,500 acres of crops. At least 225 people died, with thousands more injured or displaced.

The ICRC, in partnership with the Afghan Red Crescent Society (ARCS), provided financial assistance to communities affected by flash floods. The ARCS distributed hot meals, blankets, tents and hygiene items to meet the most urgent needs of people who were displaced and evacuated following the floods. We also raised awareness on the potential presence of explosive hazards, that may have been scattered across unexpected areas due to the floods, with the aim of mitigating potential harm to civilians in the flood-affected areas. [...]"

ICRC website, article 31-12-2024
Original material : digital
Resolution : 4000x2250
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
