Testimonial from Hodan Hussein, a beneficiary of an ICRC EcoSec (economic security) program in Garissa.
: V-F-CR-F-03815-A
Libya : a fisherman's testimony on the effects of the conflict
: V-F-CR-F-03007
Libye : la COVID-19 assèche les sources de revenus = Libya : COVID-19 dries up income sources
: V-F-CR-F-03002-A
Libye : la COVID-19 assèche les sources de revenus = Libya : COVID-19 dries up income sources
: V-F-CR-F-03002-B
Venezuela : kneading dreams amidst breads, pastries and biscuits = Venezuela : amasando sueños entre panes, pasteles y galletas
: V-F-CR-F-02948
Gardening project in Alashan
: V-F-CR-F-02366
Philippines : displaced in Zamboanga City
: V-F-CR-F-02238