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Reference : V-P-TD-E-00627
Date : 31/01/2014
Caption : N’Djamena. Emergency relief for people who have fled the violence in the Central African Republic. The ICRC supports the Red Cross of Chad in its work to restore family links by enabling people separated from their loved ones by the crisis in the Central African Republic to contact them by telephone free of charge.
Photographer : NGABOHL
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : Chad: Emergency relief for people who have fled the violence in the Central African Republic
27-03-2014 Photo gallery

Some 90,000 people have taken refuge in Chad since December 2013, having fled the conflict in the Central African Republic (CAR). The ICRC and the Red Cross of Chad have provided essential items and helped people separated from their families make some 7,000 free telephone calls from N’Djamena, Moundou, Sahr, Goré and Doba.

This service is above all provided to the most vulnerable, such as unaccompanied children. “Some children know a phone number by heart and can call their families as soon as they arrive,” said Barnabas Lapaix, in charge of restoring family links activities for the ICRC. “But a lot of them aren’t used to using mobile phones and we have to show them how. Also, because the network is poor, they sometimes have to call several times. That takes time but everyone patiently waits their turn.”

Original material : digital
Resolution : 3648x2736
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
