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Reference : V-P-IL-E-04164
Date : 27/09/2022
Caption : Gaza. Opening of the "Fenced Off" exhibition, in the framework of the campaign untitled "Gaza’s Youth: Suspended Lives, Fading Opportunities" which mark 15 years of the Gaza closure. The exhibition presents the artwork of twelve young artists from Gaza that illustrates the impact of restrictions of movement over the lives of Gaza's youth.
Photographer : Palm Media
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : ICRC website article:
"Gaza's Youth: Suspended Lives, Fading Opportunities

Fenced Off - Contemporary visual arts exhibition:
The art displayed in this exhibition is the work of twelve young artists from the Gaza Strip who were defined by the closure of the past 15 years. Inspired by this isolation, the artists were stimulated to create art using non-traditional means to embody their reality over the past 15 years.
What you will see is an attempt to answer questions posed by an entire generation longing for freedom, love, dignity, and much more, every day."

ICRC website, article 27-09-2022:
" Gaza’s Youth: Suspended Lives, Fading Opportunities

Gaza – A new online survey conducted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) found that 9 out of 10 young people from Gaza who took the survey believe their lives are abnormal.

Two thirds of the respondents said they are dependent on their families for income, whilst 40% reported having no hope of finding a job opportunity in the next 15 years.

Gaza’s Youth: Suspended Lives, Fading Opportunities –Survey Key Findings

Original material : digital
Resolution : 6720x4480
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
