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Reference : V-P-IL-E-03199
Date : 02/12/2018
Caption : Gaza. ICRC supports Artificial Limbs and Polio Center in Gaza (ALPC), where people with disabilities receive physical rehabilitation, mobility devices and psychological support to overcome trauma and regain confidence.
Photographer : SYNENKO, Alyona
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC
Description : Through the ALPC many apply for the ICRC micro economic initiative grants. The grants enable them to provide for themselves and their families, taking control of their future. Since 2016, over 300 people took advantage of ICRC cash grants and its technical support to start new businesses or to reinforce the existing ones.
ICRC website photo gallery, 20.01.2019.
Paralyzed by severe movement restriction Gaza economy has been steadily deteriorating for the past ten years. As the unemployment rate reached 53%, competition on the job market became fierce and people with disabilities often find themselves in a disadvantage compared to everyone else. Few places in Gaza are wheelchair accessible, while regular power cuts make tall buildings out of reach for those with limited mobility.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 5760x3840
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
