Reference : V-P-CH-E-01570
Date : 27/10/2024
Country/Region : SWITZERLAND
Caption : Geneva, International Conference Centre. Council of Delegates of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.
Photographer : BEN BACHIR, Jabir
Person appearing :
CARBONNIER, Gilles (vice-president, ICRC)
KRAEHENBUEHL, Pierre (director general, ICRC)
PRAZ DESSIMOZ, Yasmine (directrice des opérations, CICR)
SVOBODA, Eva (director of international law and policy, ICRC)
RAY, Olivier (director of mobilization, Movement and partnerships, ICRC)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : ICRC/IFRC
Description : From right to left: Gilles Carbonnier, vice-president of the ICRC; Pierre Kraehenbuehl, Director general of the ICRC; Yasmine Praz Dessimoz, director of Operations of the ICRC; Eva Svoboda, director ai of the Department of international law, policies and humanitarian diplomacy of the ICRC; Olivier Ray, director of the Department for mobilization, Movement and partnerships of the ICRC.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 5540x3698
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
