Reference : V-P-NG-E-00759
Date : 04/06/2016
Country/Region : NIGERIA
Caption : Maiduguri. Bulami, a man displaced from his home in mafa, stands next to the grave of his three-year-old daughter, Fatima, who he buried the day before.
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : reserved users only
Copyright : ICRC
Description : ICRC photo gallery, 21.09.2016: "Critical food shortage for those fleeing conflict in North East Nigeria. More than 2.4 million people have fled their homes due to the conflict in North East Nigeria.
The humanitarian situation is further deteriorating as many displaced are located in hard-to-reach areas, with limited or no access to humanitarian assistance. Other internally displaced people are hosted by low-income communities, bringing already stretched services and resources under renewed pressure. The situation of the most vulnerable, such as children, women and the elderly is of particular concern.
Most who have abandoned their homes leave everything behind, and lack many of the very basic necessities. In some places, children are dying of malnutrition and other diseases. The situation also remains complex, as some have been displaced for a very long time, while others have had to flee on multiple occasions. Generally, it is the recent arrivals to the camps who are also in the most dire need of humanitarian assistance."
Original material : digital
Resolution : 3000x2001
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
