Reference : V-P-SY-E-00548
Date : 23/02/2016
Country/Region : SYRIA
Caption : Damascus, disaster management center of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent. The ICRC president Peter Maurer visits the patients.
Photographer : SESSINI, Jérôme
Person appearing :
MAURER, Peter (president, ICRC)
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : reserved users only
Description : ICRC website article, 23.02.2016 : “ Diary: Bearing witness to the crisis in Syria. In late February 2016, our president Peter Maurer was in Syria. Each day he reflected on what he saw on the ground. […]Tuesday: "My second day in Syria was filled with stories. [...]"Eleven thousand volunteers from the Syrian Arab Red Crescent work all across the country. I met some of them today, in an impressive health centre on the outskirts of Damascus. A few of them I have known since 2012, when the war was just starting. Back then they too were just starting out, working to treat the sick and wounded that every war creates. The man I met in a basement in 2012, helping patients in a makeshift first aid room has now become the manager of a fully operational disaster response team. War creates professionals, and in the case of my SARC colleagues, they are the very best kind of professionals. These men and women are skilled, motivated, and extraordinarily dedicated in their quest to help everyone who is suffering. They also have stories to tell. Since the beginning of the war, 53 SARC volunteers have been killed while trying to save others. We remember them, and their stories, too. “ […].
Original material : digital
Resolution : 4608x3456
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
