Reference : V-P-CD-E-01739
Date : 10/2012
Caption : North Kivu, Goma, Katindo military hospital. Wounded soldiers. In the DRC, civilians are not spared and often victims of attacks. But one hears little about the ways in which fighters are affected too and how they can also become victims.
Photographer : YBARRA ZAVALA, Alvaro
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : Getty Images/CICR
Description :
In the DRC, civilians are not spared and are all too often victims of attacks. But one hears little about the ways in which fighters are affected too and how they too can also sometimes become victims. From being wounded or even losing a limb in action, to having loved ones or brothers-in-arms killed, to seeing their children deprived of healthcare because the local infirmary has been looted, to being captured and deprived of freedom by their enemy, many fighters also bear some of the humanitarian consequences.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 6144x4096
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
