Reference : V-P-CD-E-01769
Date : 10/2012
Caption : North Kivu. This Major, originally from Katanga, joined the army 1997. He was deployed to North Kivu province in 2002. He and two other soldiers were wounded three months ago when they were ambushed by an armed group.
Photographer : YBARRA ZAVALA, Alvaro
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : Getty Images/CICR
Description :
This is the second time he has been wounded in action, having been shot in the left thigh in 2008. As the bone was not hit, he recovered quickly. The injury he has now in his right thigh is more serious, as his femur is broken. He had surgery and an external fixator was set, which he should have for another 3-4 months. Once the bone is mended, the ICRC physiotherapist will start helping him to walk again. The major says that he wants to continue to work for his country, though he hopes that peace returns. He has two children in Kinshasa, whom he has not seen since 2002.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 3511x4096
Orientation : portrait
Colour/B&W : colour
