Reference : V-P-MZ-E-00131
Date : 24/11/2013
Country/Region : MOZAMBIQUE
Caption : Maputo, Motolla city neighborhood. Broken wheelchairs of former combattants in the house they occupied.
Photographer : STIRTON, Brent
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : publication without restrictions
Copyright : Getty Images/CICR
Description : 25 families live in these accomodations, the majority are former fighters from the Mozambique civil war. Most of them are amputees as a result of landmine blasts. These veterans receive a $50 pension every month from the government but rely on the kindness of their extended families to survive. Most have only brokendown prosthetics in dire need of maintenance as well as crutches that are on their last legs.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 7304x5478
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
