Reference : V-P-LB-E-01150
Date : 01/12/2008
Country/Region : LEBANON
Caption : Tripoli. Nahr el Bared Palestinian camp.
Photographer : PAGETTI, Franco
Confidentiality level : public
Publication restrictions : reserved users only
Copyright : ICRC/VII
Description : Nahr el Bared is a Palestinian camp in northern Lebanon, where the Lebanese army battled an armed group called Fatah al Islam for almost four months between May and September 2007. An estimated 400 people died in the fighting, including Lebanese soldiers, Fatah al Islam fighters and civilians. Much of the camp was reduced to rubble and the vast majority of its 40,000 inhabitants had to flee to the adjacent Beddawi Palestinian camp or elsewhere in Lebanon. There they lived for months in often very difficult conditions. For the eldest among these Palestinian refugees, it was their second or even third displacement. The camp is now being slowly rebuilt, but as of late 2008, thousands of inhabitants have still not been able to return.
Original material : digital
Resolution : 5000x3333
Orientation : landscape
Colour/B&W : colour
